Friday, March 23, 2007

Save Now.. Be Rich Later

All of the things that I'm going to mention in this
post is subject to debate. I welcome that. Really I do. I can learn from
that and I hope someone else will too.

We're going to talk about Money, and getting rich, and
and getting wealthy and having serveral cars and houses.. you know the idea. Im not saying that I have lots and lots of money and that I do all the stuff that's mentioned here, I just want to share things that I read, things that i saw etc.

There are lots of ways to become financially stable.

If you're an employee (just like the rest of us), you are always looking forward for the payday.

Here some tips to become millionaire!! (or at least have some extra cash.. lots and lots of it!)

Pay Yourself First
Do the Latte Factor
Keep doing the two.. automatically.

Pay Yourself First
This is again another truth.. every pay day, after we receive the payslips (even before we receive it actually)
the first thing we do is to think of the things that we need to pay, all those bills. Now, if anything is left after
settling all those expenses, that's the time when we save a few Pesos.. Dollars if you wish.

When Following the Pay Yourself First philosophy, you must first put aside a portion of your income before settling
any bills. You could try to save 10% to 15% of you income each payday. Or lower.. Its up to you.. On how much you can.

The Latte Factor
The hard truth is: believe it or not, the amount of money we earn is not always directly proportional to the amount of money we sae because, more often thatn not, the more money we make the more we spend.

Any objections?

This sad truth teaches us that: "How much you earn has almost no bearing on whether or not you can and will build wealth".

In a nutshell.. The Latte Factor is watching the little spendings. This means buying small things that don't necessarily need or things that can live without.

Make it Automatic
Here are some ways to automate the above tips/technique.

I can't think of some right now.. This is your time to share yours..
Do you have any suggestions?

You could ask your employer to automatically deduct 10% of you salary to a separate accout or your other existing account.

Some company, like ours, have this 'coop' thing (cooperative) where we put a little percentage of our hard earned pesos each pay

Those are one way.. is there any other way?

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